iBooks For PC & Windows Download (Latest)

Reading books has always been a big part of everyone’s lifestyle. Whether it would be novels, autobiographies or any other books we always have been learning a lot from books.

Be it in school days or in higher studies reading has helped everyone to achieve a sense of grammar to anyone who practises and this practice is being promoted every day so that everyone can develop a habit of reading books.

With the digital era coming up the idea of physical books is fading with time and more readers are moving towards the concept of digital books since it is very convenient and you can get any book on your cell phone. Any book you want is at your fingertips and you can access all of them from the comfort of your home

iBooks For PC

So to help you with digital reading, ibooks have been developed so that you can read any book you want to read on your cell phone. With its unique features, ibooks make your reading experience a memorable one.  

NameiBooks For PC
Size:72.54 MB
Compatibility:Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP
Security:Virus Free

Features of iBooks For PC

1.Photo of the books:

With the title of the book, a photo of the book is also displayed on the app so that the users can easily recognise the book and get to know if it is the particular book they want to read or if it is any other book.


A brief description is provided for all the books so that the reader can figure out what the book is about and whether it is of his interest or not. The description is about what the book is written on and who is the author and any information that the reader should know about the book.

3.Chat :

A chat room is provided for readers so that they can meet up with new people and share their preferences with them, and get to know new people and their reading interests.


You can create your library and save your favourite books there and you can access them whenever you want to and you don’t have to search for the books every time you want to read something.


The whole interface has been designed such that the user does not face any problems while using the application and can get used to it easily.

Ibooks  for pc:

Since an official pc version of Ibooks has not been released yet so if you want to use Ibooks on your pc you should follow the following steps:

  1. You will need the android emulator LD player.
  2. To download bluestacks go to the LD player website.
  3. Install LD player.
  4. After installing go to the app player of LD player.
  5. Go to the play store from the app player.
  6. Download ibooks from the play store.
  7. Ibooks is now ready to use on your pc.

Alternatives for Ibooks for pc:

1.Amazon Kindle:

Developed by amazon, amazon kindle is the most popular application being used today for reading books and has a huge user base all the users quite enjoy their reading experiences on amazon kindle. Being the most popular it has left all other applications behind in the competition.


Due to its feature through which recordings can be heard of the written books. Audible works on the recordings and records the contents of the book and that recording is made available on the application so that the users can listen to the recordings and don’t have to read the books.

3.Kobo Books:

Due to its late release, it has not gained much popularity yet but is quite famous among the users because of its wide range of books and has made available all the famous records, due to which users are attracted towards it as they can find all the famous records with just a click.

Frequently ask questions:

Q1. Can you get ibooks on pc?

Ans. Ibooks can be downloaded on pc using an android emulator and downloading the app from the play store.

Q2. How do I convert an ebook to a pdf?

Ans. Choose the share book option and select the export option and then select export as pdf option 

Q3. Can I download books from ibooks?

Ans. Yes, you can download books from ibooks just click on the book you want to download and then if the book is free you can download it for free or if a fee has to be paid you have to pay the fees then.

Q4. What device can I read ibooks on?

Ans. You can read ibooks on all apple devices and your windows by installing it on your pc by using the preferred method.

Q5. Does Ibook work on windows?

Ans. A pc version has not been introduced yet but if you want to use it on windows you can use the emulator and install it on windows.


An ibook is a good option if you are an active reader and you are fond of reading and you want all the updates for new books released and have all the books on your fingertips. You can keep your collection up to date and always be aware of the new releases.

Andrea Wilson
Andrea Wilson

Andrea Wilson is a tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the industry. She specializes in writing practical PC guides, helping users navigate software and technology with ease. When she's not diving into the latest tech trends or exploring new PC games, Andrea enjoys photography, hiking, and experimenting with DIY home projects.

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